New home chips
Just got my Desert Sands chips in the mail today via PSO. They cost me 38,000 PSO points (19,000 per 300 chipset), and they're awesome chips.Here's a picture of them:
I'd love to have some paulsons or other clay chips, but these will be a HUGE upgrade from the crappy dice chips I've been using for the past 2 years or so. Here's the breakdown of the denom's I got:
175 - $5 (red)
200 - $25 (green)
125 - $100 (black)
70 - $500 (purple)
30 - $1,000 (yellow)
I have a bunch of paulsons and I'm really not impressed with them. I realize more casinos use Paulsons than any other chips, I just don't like them because the seem to collect dirt worse than any other chip.
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